Passion Moon
Abstammung:Parentage known but not disclosed by registrantBeschreibung:Inside of tepals with large, moderate red (184B) patch in basal half, with margins light greenish yellow (8B); top half of tepals white, brilliant yellow (8A) at tip; throat 8A. Outside of outer tepals dark purplish pink (186C), speckled moderate purplish red (186B), over pale ground; margins pale yellow-green (4D); midribs strong yellow-green (144B for basal third; N144C at top) with moderate purplish red (186B) between. Outside of inner tepals yellowish white (NN155A) flushed moderate purplish pink (186D); margins brilliant yellow (8A) at base, pale yellow-green (4D) at top; midribs strong yellow-green (144B) at base. Spots and papillae absent; nectaries strong yellow-green (N144C); pollen dark reddish orange (172B); stigma light yellow-green (145B) tinged dark red (183B). Fls 120mm wide; tepals 125 × 50mm, margins smooth, tips recurved. Lvs 120 × 20mm, dark green. Stems 1.3m, dark green, with up to 3 fls. Published in KAVB Registraties 2012: 10 (2013), with image Züchter:Robert GriesbachBezug:Salzborn: 2015,2016,2017; Wistuba: 2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,2022;