Red Desire
Abstammung:Parentage known but not disclosed by registrantBeschreibung:Inside of tepals mainly dark red (59A) to deep purplish red (59B); margins 59B; top 59B to moderate purplish red (59C). Outside of inner tepals mainly moderate purplish red (64A). Spots and papillae few if any, purple-red; nectaries green; pollen red-brown; stigma grey-green speckled purple. Buds mainly purple-red. Fls strongly scented; tepals long and of medium width to broad, margins slightly ruffled, tips slightly recurved to recurved. Lvs of medium length to long, and of medium width to broad. Stems 1.3–2 m, green, with few if any darker markings, with 2–4 fls. Mid-season to late. Published in: KAVB Registraties 2015: 10 (2016), with imageBezug: Wistuba: 2016,2019;