Robert Griesbach
Abstammung:Parentage unknownBeschreibung:Inside dark red (59A), changing into yellowish white (155D) towards tepal-margins and tips, brilliant yellow (13B) above and next to nectaries, throat pale yellow green (4D); outside with outer tepals yellowish white (155D), up to two-thirds of each tepal flushed with strong purplish red (59D), strong yellow-green (143C) along midribs changing into light yellow-green (144D), strong yellow-green (143C) at top, inner tepals similar but with light yellow (21D) along midribs at base; spots and papillae absent; nectaries strong yellow-green (143C); pollen strong brown (172A); stigma very pale green (189D). Fls 160-200 mm wide; tepals 120 x 33-43 mm, margins smooth, tips strongly recurved. Lvs scattered, 155 x 27 mm. Stems 1-1.45 m, green with darker markings, and with c.4 fls. (An Orienpet (OT) lily.)Bezug:Salzborn: 2005,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017; Strasser: 2010,2015,2019; Mathys: 2011; Wistuba: 2014,2015,2016,2017,2018;