Division VIII, AOA-Hybriden
Avalon Sunset
Abstammung:Parentage unknown; chance seedlingBeschreibung:Inside of tepals predominantly moderate reddish orange (35B) over brilliant greenish yellow (5B) ground (which shows mainly as narrow to moderate margin); throat greenish yellow along and beside nectary ridges. Outside of tepals moderate reddish orange (41C); midribs light yellow-green (145B). Feathered, strong red (46A), brushmark-like patch across basal one-third of each tepal (in upper throat but not margins), sometimes overlaid with yellow streaking spreading from nectary ridges; spots absent; papillae few, strong red (46A); nectaries brilliant yellow-green (150B), open; filaments pale greenish yellow (1D); pollen moderate purplish red (185C); stigma moderate red (181A). Fls 180 mm wide, slightly scented; tepals 100 × 52 mm, margins slightly ruffled, tips straight or very slightly recurved. Lvs 110 × 16 mm, scattered, deep yellowish green (141B) above. Stems 1.05 m (under glass), deep yellowish green (141A), with up to 8 fls. (average 4). Early (May-June). Very hardy.Bezug: Strasser: 2019; Wistuba: 2019,2020,2021;
Child in Time
Abstammung:Parentage unknown; chance seedlingBeschreibung:Inside of tepals predominantly moderate purplish pink (62B), with broad, feathered, strong red (53B) flare in centre of basal half of each tepal; midveins strong purplish red (63A). Outside of tepals light purplish pink (55C); midribs strong red (53C). Spots relatively few, short, dark red (187C) streaks, often on raised base, in more or less radiating lines across basal one-quarter of each tepal; papillae conspicuous, light purplish pink (63D); nectaries green, semi- open; filaments pale purplish pink (55D); pollen strong reddish orange (42B); stigma light purplish pink (55C). Fls 160 mm wide, slightly scented; tepals 90 × 48 mm, margins slightly ruffled (inner) to ruffled (outer), tips slightly recurved to recurved. Lvs 80 × 17 mm, scattered, dark yellowish green (136B) above. Stems 0.9 m (under glass), brilliant greenish yellow (151D), with up to 8 fls. (average 4). Early (May-June). Very hardy.Bezug: Wistuba: 2019,2020,2021;
Fields of Gold
Abstammung:Parentage unknown; chance seedlingBeschreibung:Inside of tepals, including throat, mainly light greenish yellow (3C), sometimes with closely-spotted, greyish red (178A) edge in basal half. Outside of tepals mainly pale yellow-green (155A); midribs greyish red (182B). Spots moderately few, dark red (187A), small circles or ellipses spaced across basal two-fifths of each tepal, each in halo slightly paler than blade; papillae brilliant greenish yellow (1A), moderately long; nectaries brilliant yellow-green (150A), open; filaments brilliant greenish yellow (1B); pollen absent; stigma greyish red (176A). Fls 175 mm wide, slightly scented; tepals 90 × 44 mm, margins smooth or slightly ruffled, tips slightly recurved. Lvs 85 × 18 mm, scattered, deep yellowish green (141B) above. Stems 0.9 m (under glass), strong yellow-green (143C), with up to 8 fls. (average 5). Early (May-June). Very hardy.Bezug: Wistuba: 2019,2020;
Hotel California
Abstammung:Parentage unknown; chance seedlingBeschreibung:Tepals, including throat, mainly vivid yellow (15B); inside with feathered, vivid reddish orange (40A) patch in basal one-third of each tepal above throat (not reaching margins), and with vivid reddish orange (44B), flare-like tongue extending from patch to two-thirds up midveins. Spots numerous, greyish red (178A), varying from tiny circles in throat to moderately-large ellipses in radiating rows spread widely across basal two-fifths of each tepal; papillae vivid yellow (15B), few, quite long; nectaries light yellow (17D), closed; filaments vivid yellow (17B); pollen greyish red (178A); stigma deep red (185A). Fls 220 mm wide, slightly scented; tepals 110 × 58 mm, margins slightly ruffled (inner) to ruffled (outer), tips slightly recurved to recurved. Lvs 130 × 22 mm, scattered, deep yellowish green (141B) above. Stems 1.1 m (under glass), strong yellow-green (144B), with up to 8 fls. (average 4). Early (May-June). Very hardy.Bezug: Wistuba: 2019,2020,2021;
November Rain
Abstammung:Parentage unknown; chance seedlingBeschreibung:Inside of tepals strong purplish pink (55B); throat strong red (53B). Outside of tepals deep pink (52C); midribs deep red (53A). Spots moderately numerous, dark red (187B), small circles or ellipses spread widely across basal two-fifths of each tepal; papillae deep pink (51B); nectaries strong red (53B), semi-open; filaments vivid red (45C); pollen dark red (187A); stigma greenish grey (188A). Fls 175 mm wide, slightly scented; tepals 90 × 48 mm, margins slightly ruffled, tips slightly recurved. Lvs 70 × 8 mm, scattered, moderate olive-green (137B) above. Stems 1.1 m (under glass), deep yellowish green (141A), with up to 8 fls. (average 4). Early (May-June). Very hardy.Bezug: Strasser: 2019; Wistuba: 2019,2020,2021;
Sunset Boulevard
Abstammung:Parentage unknown; chance seedlingBeschreibung:Inside of tepals, including throat, predominantly vivid orange (28B). Outside of tepals mainly brilliant orange (25C); midribs greyish reddish orange (177D). Spots and papillae absent; nectaries light orange-yellow (23C), open; filaments light yellow (18B); pollen moderate reddish orange (173B); stigma strong yellowish pink (35C). Fls 195 mm wide, slightly scented; tepals 95 × 48 mm, margins smooth or very slightly ruffled, tips slightly recurved. Lvs 110 × 19 mm, scattered, brilliant yellowish green (140B) above. Stems 1.05 m (under glass), dark reddish orange (173A) , with up to 8 fls. (average 4). Early (May-June). Very hardy.Bezug: Wistuba: 2019,2020,2021;
Viva la Vida
Abstammung:Parentage unknown; chance seedlingBeschreibung:Inside of tepals brilliant greenish yellow (3B), overlaid with broad and long, central flare, mainly vivid red (45A) [though paler at edges], extending along midveins but not reaching basal margins; throat, and beside nectaries, 3B. Outside of tepals mainly brilliant greenish yellow (6A); midribs vivid red (44A). Spots moderately numerous, dark red (183A), small circles or ellipses widely spread in brushmark-like pattern across basal two-fifths of each tepal; papillae absent; nectaries brilliant greenish yellow (5B), semi-open; filaments brilliant greenish yellow (3B); pollen moderate reddish orange (171A); stigma strong yellowish pink (31C). Fls 200 mm wide, slightly scented; tepals 110 × 52 mm, margins smooth, tips recurved. Lvs 90 × 18 mm, scattered, strong yellow-green (143A) above. Stems 1.1 m (under glass), strong yellow-green (144B), with up to 8 fls. (average 4). Early (May-June). Very hardy.Bezug: Wistuba: 2019,2020,2021;