Hybriden nach Alphabet - H

Habibi (Ma-72 93 1)
Abstammung:(L. martagon hirsutum x Nightingale) x (L. martagon album superbum x L. parvum)Beschreibung:siehe Artikel "Mein Weg zu rosa gepunkteten weißen Martagon" von Norgart Martschinke Lilien-Info 2008-2Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug: nicht verfügbar
Häuptling Winnetou
Abstammung:Unknown, "Connecticut complex" seedling x unknown, "Connecticut complex" seedlingBeschreibung:Inside of tepals moderate red (181A), shading to strong orange (168A) at tips; throat dark red (59A). Outside of tepals strong (greyed) orange. Spots absent; papillae dark red-purple; nectaries vivid yellow (14B); filaments orange over whitish ground; pollen strong orange (169C); style and stigma strong orange-yellow (163B). Fls 110mm wide, slightly scented; tepals 80 × 25mm, margins smooth, tips strongly recurved; pedicels tinged pale purplish brown at first, maturing green; with secondary and tertiary buds. Lvs scattered, 110 × 15mm, moderate olive-green (137A). Stems 1m, dark green with brownish spots, with up to 15 fls or more. July to August. Published in Europäische Liliengesellschaft sales list (1988) Named - because of its "Indian Red" colour - after the Apache chief Winnetou, fictional hero of several novels written by Karl May (1842-1912).Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Hauptmann von Köpenick
Abstammung:Yukatan X Longistar GroupBeschreibung:Inside pale orange-yellow (24D), edges of petals paler; outside similarly coloured, becoming pale pink towards base; spots large, purplish red, mostly below the large, strong reddish purple (72B) brushmark on basal half of each petal (brushmark itself marked with black-violet); nectaries grey-white-hoary; filaments long, pale pink; pollen reddish brown (166B); style long, pale pink; stigma beige. Fls 150 mm wide; petals 70 x 30 mm, margins smooth, tips not or slightly recurved; pedicels long. Lvs alternate, 80 x 13 mm. Stems 1.2 m, dark green, lightly mottled reddish, with up to 10 fls. Mid to late July. (Published in ELG: sales list, 1999. Nomenclatural standard: colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0038762).)Bezug:Salzborn: 1999,2000,2001,2003,2004;
Havelflamme (98-05-3)
Abstammung:Cathedral Windows x Tango-MixBeschreibung:Ia, 100 cmZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2013,2014;
Havelfontäne (87-01-1)
Abstammung:(Blood Tiger seedling × Feuer und Rauch) x (Black Butterfly × Saartiger)Beschreibung:Tepals dark red (59A); midveins sometimes with a slight streak of golden orange in basal half; throat vivid yellowish orange (30C). Spots numerous, quite large, elliptic, raised, dark greyed purple, evenly distributed over basal half of each tepal; papillae absent; nectaries vivid yellowish orange (30C); filaments red; pollen vivid reddish orange (33A); style red; stigma strong orange (169C). Fls 110mm wide, not scented; tepals 85 × 30mm, margins smooth, tips recurved to strongly recurved; pedicels purplish brown. Lvs scattered, 120 × 10-12mm, dark yellowish green (139A). Stems 1.4m, green mottled dark purple, pubescent, with up to 20 fls or more in a long raceme. July. Published in Europäische Liliengesellschaft Lilien-Info No.2 (2001) The Havel river passes through Berlin; "Fontäne" means `fountain" in German.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2011,2014,2016; ELG: 2018;
Abstammung:Renoir x Connecticut MelonBeschreibung:Inside moderate reddish orange (171A), tips rather paler (moderate orange, 171D), outside and throat moderate reddish orange (171A); a few, medium-sized, deep purplish red (59B) spots on basal half of each petal; nectaries greyish white; pollen deep red (60A) in thick anthers; stigma strong brown (172A). Fls 100mm wide; petals thick and broad, 55 x 35mm, not ruffled, not recurved. Lvs alternate, deep green, 80 x 20mm. Stems and buds slightly hairy. Stems 0.65m, dark green to black, with c9 fls. Early-mid July.Bezug:Salzborn: 2000;
Havelgold (84-78-2)
Abstammung:Festival x (Ralph × Häuptling Winnetou)Beschreibung:Inside of tepals vivid yellow (14B) in basal half and heavily flushed strong orange (169B) towards tips; throat moderate red (180A). Outside of tepals strong orange (169B). Brushmarks a few, thin lines of moderate red (180A) in basal third of each tepal or on some tepals forming broken mottling, even a small triangle, above the area of spots; spots variable in size, tiny and round to fairly large and elliptic, dark purple, sparsely but fairly evenly scattered in an arc in basal third of each tepal; papillae absent; filaments red; pollen strong red (46A); style red; stigma brilliant yellow (13C). Fls 140mm wide, not scented; tepals 80 × 30mm, margins smooth, tips straight; pedicels long, violet. Lvs scattered, 140 × 15mm, moderate olive-green (137A). Stems 1.3m, dark, with up to 15 fls. July. Published in Europäische Liliengesellschaft Lilien-Info No.2 (1994) The Havel river passes through Berlin, near which the hybridizer lived at the time he made this cross.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2005,2006,2011,2012;
Abstammung:Henrietina x White HenryiBeschreibung:Inside moderate orange (167A) shading to pale orange-yellow (165D) at apex, throat moderate orange (167A); outside pale orange-yellow (165D); numerous, moderate sized, pale red spots over 3/4 of each petal and large papillae on basal part of each petal, coloured as the petal; nectaries deep yellowish green (141A); pollen dark reddish orange (175B) on long pale yellow-green (157C) filaments; stigma moderate reddish brown (176B) on a long style. Fls 95mm wide; petals 70 x 24mm, not ruffled, strongly recurved. Lvs alternate, unusually long, 250 x 30mm. Stems 2.0m, dark green with dark markings and c25 fls in a large inflorescence (50- 60cm long); the long pedicels often two-flowered. Mid to late July. (Standard: colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0032254).)
Havelmond (84-85-1)
Abstammung:Brauner Bär x TamaraBeschreibung:Inside lemon-yellow, ageing to white at tepal-tips; spots on basal half of each tepal. Stems 0.6 m. Early July. (Published in ELG sales list, 2000.)Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2000;
Havelpurpur (87-20-2)
Abstammung:Rose Bowl x HeavensongBeschreibung:Ia, 70 cmZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2011;
Havelsand (86-18-3)
Abstammung:Rosa Slg. x Snow LarkBeschreibung:Ib, 120 cm, leichter DuftZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2007,2010,2011,2012;
Havelsonne (86-57-3)
Abstammung:Obrist x FrankenleuchteBeschreibung:Tepals, including throat, brilliant yellow (15C); inside with a very narrow, dark maroon, picotee margin in basal quarter. Spots sparse but conspicuous, fairly large, round to elliptic, dark purple, scattered over the basal quarter of each tepal; papillae absent; nectaries orange; filaments flesh-coloured to orange; pollen vivid orange (28B); style greenish yellow; stigma moderate red (180C). Fls 80mm wide, not scented; tepals 80 × 30mm, margins smooth, tips strongly recurved; with secondary buds. Lvs scattered, 110 × 16mm, moderate olive-green (137B). Stems 1.3m, 137B, pubescent, with bulbils, with up to 15 fls. July. Published in Europäische Liliengesellschaft Lilien-Info No.2: 24 (2001); picture p.25 The Havel river passes through Berlin, near which the hybridizer lived at the time he made this cross.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2004,2005,2006,2007,2010,2011,2012,2014;
Havelstern (84-70-3)
Abstammung:Un-named Blood Tiger seedling × PirateBeschreibung:Tepals strong red (inside 46A, outside 53B); throat strong reddish orange (34C). Feint, vivid orange (28B) brushmark; spots mostly large, round or elliptical, dark red (187A), scattered in band in basal one third of each tepal above throat and across brushmark; papillae absent; nectaries 187A, frosted silver; pollen vivid red (44A); stigma dark purple. Fls 150mm wide, star- shaped, not scented; tepals 100 × 30mm, margins smooth, tips straight or (very) slightly recurved. Lvs 110 × 10mm, scattered, dark green (135A). Stems 0.9m, dark green, with up to 14 fls in racemose infl. July. The Havel is a river in Berlin; "stern" means "star" in German.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2005;
Heinz Florian
Abstammung:Beucherts Rote Sternschale' x dark red, asiatic seedlingBeschreibung:Inside strong purplish red (60B), with a slight light orange-yellow (24C) midrib; outside similarly coloured; few, inconspicuous, small self-coloured papillae over 3/4 of each petal; nectaries silvery pale orange; pollen violet; stigma greyish red (178A). Fls l20mm wide; petals 55 x 30mm, not ruffled, tips slightly recurved. Lvs alternate, 60 x 12mm, mid green. Stems 0.8m, rather dark green, with up to 8 fls. Late June-early July.
Helle Panke
Abstammung:(Peaceful x Elite (Georgi))Beschreibung:Fls pale orange-white (159D) inside and out, with deep orange-white (159A) midribs inside and numerous, medium-sized, dark red (183A) spots on the basal half of each petal; nectaries moderate green-white (157A); pollen dark red (187A); stigma grey-green. Fls 110mm wide; petals 60 x 30mm, not ruffled, tips strongly recurved, with prominent midribs. Lvs alternate, 75 x 12mm. Stems 0.8m, dark green, with 8-10 fls. Mid July.Bezug:Salzborn: 2006;
Herbstsonne (Finale, Schlusslicht)
Abstammung:Parentage unknownBeschreibung:Fls orange; spots small, brown. Stems 0.9 m. Aug.Bezug:Salzborn: 1996,1997,1998,1999;
Hilde Haber
Abstammung:L. martagon var. cattaniae x tsingtauenseBeschreibung:Fls carmine red, with darker tips, spotted; pollen apricot. Stems 1.0m. Late June.Bezug:Salzborn: 1996,1999,2007;
HK 061102
Beschreibung:Preis der ELG (1. Preis mit höchster Punktzahl im D­Wettbewerb) auf der Lilienausstellung 2018 in DorstenZüchter:Holger Kühne
HK 150401
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 16G159
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 180701
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 190601
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HK 190805
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 190806
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 193207
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HK 200103
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HK 200201
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HK 200402
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 200601
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HK 201009
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HK 202702
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 202901
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HK 203503
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HK 203506
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 203507
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 203508
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 204001
Beschreibung:weiße Trompetenform.Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 204201
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 204220
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 204221
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 206302
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 206501
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 206702
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 207001
Züchter:Holger Kühne
HK 207002
Züchter:Holger Kühne
Hocus Pocus
Abstammung:Johanna x asiatic seedlingBeschreibung:Greyed white (156A) throughout except for greenish white (157A) tips and a few, small, deep purplish red (71A) spots on basal half of each petal; nectaries greyish yellow-green (194A); pollen strong brown (172A); stigma dark purple (79A). Fls star-shaped, l20mm wide; petals 55 x 25mm, not ruffled, not recurved. Lvs alternate, 70 x 16mm. Stems 0.95m, dark green to black, with c10 fls. Late June.
Hohes Licht (01-G1-1)
Abstammung:Un-named Ic seedling (with davidii parentage) × un-named Ic seedling (with davidii parentage)Beschreibung:Inside of tepals, including throat, vivid reddish orange (34B). Outside of tepals strong yellowish pink (31C). Spots few, very small and feint, purple, in basal one third of each tepal; papillae absent; nectaries green, frosted silver; pollen vivid reddish orange (30A); stigma dark red (59A). Fls 100mm wide, not scented; tepals 75 × 38mm, margins smooth, tips strongly recurved. Lvs 110 × 12mm, scattered, moderate olive-green (137A). Stems 1.6-1.8m, dark red (187A), with up to 15 fls in racemose infl. Early July. The epithet, meaning "high light" in German, describes the cultivar's bright flowers on a high stem.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2011,2012;
Hotel California
Abstammung:Parentage unknown; chance seedlingBeschreibung:Tepals, including throat, mainly vivid yellow (15B); inside with feathered, vivid reddish orange (40A) patch in basal one-third of each tepal above throat (not reaching margins), and with vivid reddish orange (44B), flare-like tongue extending from patch to two-thirds up midveins. Spots numerous, greyish red (178A), varying from tiny circles in throat to moderately-large ellipses in radiating rows spread widely across basal two-fifths of each tepal; papillae vivid yellow (15B), few, quite long; nectaries light yellow (17D), closed; filaments vivid yellow (17B); pollen greyish red (178A); stigma deep red (185A). Fls 220 mm wide, slightly scented; tepals 110 × 58 mm, margins slightly ruffled (inner) to ruffled (outer), tips slightly recurved to recurved. Lvs 130 × 22 mm, scattered, deep yellowish green (141B) above. Stems 1.1 m (under glass), strong yellow-green (144B), with up to 8 fls. (average 4). Early (May-June). Very hardy.Bezug: Wistuba: 2019,2020,2021;