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Abstammung:Thomas seedling 4 XTetra Aristo Beschreibung:Inside apricot-orange, darker around nectaries, base of throat paler; outside pale orange, midribs pale yellow-green; spots many, large, dark brown-crimson, over half of each petal, papillae in throat; nectaries white-granulated; pollen red-brown; stigma pink-brown. Fls 130 mm wide; petals 90 x 45 mm, margins slightly waved, tips scarcely recurved (the outer more so); pedicels 60 mm long, thick, profusely brown-dotted. Lvs alternate, 145 x 21 mm, dull dark green. Stems 0.85 m, very thick, profusely brown-dotted. Mid July.Bezug:Salzborn: 2008,2009,2011;
Abstammung:((Medora x Mont Blanc ) x unnamed asiatic seedling (no.NNC6.44))Beschreibung:Inside light yellow (162C), tips pale yellow (162D), throat yellowish white (158D); outside light yellow (162C), with yellowish grey (1 56A) midribs; unspotted; nectaries yellowish white (158D); pollen moderate reddish brown (175A); stigma brownish orange (164A). Fls l60mm wide; petals 80 x 40mm, not ruffled, tips slightly recurved. Lvs alternate, 115 x 18mm. Stems 1.0m (in the open), black, with 8-10 fls. Early-mid July. (Standard: colour print provided by registrant (W5Y0024682).)Bezug:Salzborn: 2000,2001,2003,2005,2006;
Vera Matthe
Abstammung:Agnes Bernauer x mixed pollen of Blickfang and Papagena Beschreibung:Inside moderate yellowish pink (39C), throat a little darker, outside similarly coloured; with dark red spots and brushmark on basal half of each petal; nectaries moderate yellowish pink; pollen dark red (183A); filaments long; stigma deep yellowish pink. Fls 170mm wide; petals 85 x 35mm, not ruffled, tips slightly recurved. Lvs alternate, 70 x 22mm. Stems 1.1m (in the open), dark green, with c11 fls. Mid-late July. (Named in honour of another German lily breeder. Standard: colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0024692).)
Abstammung:Unnamed seedling (RS86-20) x unnamed seedling (RS87-40)Beschreibung:Inside strong purplish pink (55B), shading to white at base and edges; outside strong purplish pink (55B); a few small spots and some papillae present; nectaries pink; pollen greyed red; stigma red. Stems 1.25m, green.Bezug:Salzborn: 2001,2002,2003,2011,2014,2015,2017; Strasser: 2010,2015,2019; Wistuba: 2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2020;
Abstammung:(Svetlana (Kireeva) x Yolanta )Beschreibung:Inside pale red, with a yellow centre to the flower and black spots; pollen red. Fls 130mm wide. Stems 0.9m.Bezug:Salzborn: 1999,2003;
Viva la Vida
Abstammung:Parentage unknown; chance seedlingBeschreibung:Inside of tepals brilliant greenish yellow (3B), overlaid with broad and long, central flare, mainly vivid red (45A) [though paler at edges], extending along midveins but not reaching basal margins; throat, and beside nectaries, 3B. Outside of tepals mainly brilliant greenish yellow (6A); midribs vivid red (44A). Spots moderately numerous, dark red (183A), small circles or ellipses widely spread in brushmark-like pattern across basal two-fifths of each tepal; papillae absent; nectaries brilliant greenish yellow (5B), semi-open; filaments brilliant greenish yellow (3B); pollen moderate reddish orange (171A); stigma strong yellowish pink (31C). Fls 200 mm wide, slightly scented; tepals 110 × 52 mm, margins smooth, tips recurved. Lvs 90 × 18 mm, scattered, strong yellow-green (143A) above. Stems 1.1 m (under glass), strong yellow-green (144B), with up to 8 fls. (average 4). Early (May-June). Very hardy.Bezug: Wistuba: 2019,2020,2021;
Abstammung:(Cream-flowered tetraploid X (Gran Paradiso x Tetra Aristo ))Beschreibung:Inside pale old rose, centre of each petal cream with apricot tint, throat cream; spots numerous, large, dark brown-rose over half of each petal; nectaries white-granulated; pollen orange-brown. Fls 145 mm wide; petals 85 x 42 mm, margins smooth, tips not recurved.; pedicels 55 mm long, very thick, slightly spotted. Lvs alternate, 130 x 20 mm, dark dull green. Stems 0.9 m, very thick, slightly spotted, with a short inflorescence. Mid June. Tetraploid.Bezug:Salzborn: 2006,2007,2010,2011;