Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Cognac I (82-16-1)
Abstammung:Brauner Bär x Golden Souvenir Beschreibung:Cognac-coloured. Stems 1.5m, black, with a dense inflorescenee and axillary bulbils. Late July.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Cognac III (82-16-3)
Abstammung:Brauner Bär x Golden Souvenir Beschreibung:Cognac-coloured. Stems 1.8m, with a more loose inflorescenee than Cognac I , and with axillary bulbils. Late July.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Abstammung:Häuptling Winnetou × Sonnentiger Beschreibung:An unregistered cultivar, bred by Dr Giffei to form long pedicels. Lost to cultivation (along with many other Asiatics) during the winter of 2011-2012.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2005;
Havelstern (84-70-3)
Abstammung:Un-named Blood Tiger seedling × Pirate Beschreibung:Tepals strong red (inside 46A, outside 53B); throat strong reddish orange (34C). Feint, vivid orange (28B) brushmark; spots mostly large, round or elliptical, dark red (187A), scattered in band in basal one third of each tepal above throat and across brushmark; papillae absent; nectaries 187A, frosted silver; pollen vivid red (44A); stigma dark purple. Fls 150mm wide, star- shaped, not scented; tepals 100 × 30mm, margins smooth, tips straight or (very) slightly recurved. Lvs 110 × 10mm, scattered, dark green (135A). Stems 0.9m, dark green, with up to 14 fls in racemose infl. July. The Havel is a river in Berlin; "stern" means "star" in German.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2005;
Havelgold (84-78-2)
Abstammung:Festival x (Ralph × Häuptling Winnetou )Beschreibung:Inside of tepals vivid yellow (14B) in basal half and heavily flushed strong orange (169B) towards tips; throat moderate red (180A). Outside of tepals strong orange (169B). Brushmarks a few, thin lines of moderate red (180A) in basal third of each tepal or on some tepals forming broken mottling, even a small triangle, above the area of spots; spots variable in size, tiny and round to fairly large and elliptic, dark purple, sparsely but fairly evenly scattered in an arc in basal third of each tepal; papillae absent; filaments red; pollen strong red (46A); style red; stigma brilliant yellow (13C). Fls 140mm wide, not scented; tepals 80 × 30mm, margins smooth, tips straight; pedicels long, violet. Lvs scattered, 140 × 15mm, moderate olive-green (137A). Stems 1.3m, dark, with up to 15 fls. July. Published in Europäische Liliengesellschaft Lilien-Info No.2 (1994) The Havel river passes through Berlin, near which the hybridizer lived at the time he made this cross.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2005,2006,2011,2012;
Havelmond (84-85-1)
Abstammung:Brauner Bär x Tamara Beschreibung:Inside lemon-yellow, ageing to white at tepal-tips; spots on basal half of each tepal. Stems 0.6 m. Early July. (Published in ELG sales list, 2000.)Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2000;
Frosty PP (84-100-1)
Abstammung:Pink Perfection Group x Glockenspiel Beschreibung:Inside of tepals moderate purplish pink (78D), bright golden yellow beside midveins in basal third; becoming paler with age, though margins remaining dark; midveins green in basal third; throat light greenish yellow (1C). Outside of tepals light purple (80C). Spots and papillae absent; filaments greenish white; pollen deep orange-yellow (163A); style reddish pink; stigma dark red (183B). Buds reddish pink. Fls 110mm wide, slightly scented; tepals 130 × 55mm, margins smooth, tips becoming strongly recurved; pedicels long, slender, pinkish red at first. Lvs scattered, 130 × 10mm. Stems 1.8m, moderate olive-green (147A), slightly spotted purple, with up to 12 fls. Late July. Fls unscathed by late frosts. Published in Europäische Liliengesellschaft Lilien-Info No.2: 20 (2002); picture p.21. Named "Frosty" from its resistance to late frosts; "PP" refers to its Pink Perfection parentage.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Bonaventura (85-60-5)
Abstammung:Black Butterfly x Saartiger Beschreibung:Ic, 140 cm, 1. Preis ELG Erfurt 1993Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Havelsand (86-18-3)
Abstammung:Rosa Slg. x Snow Lark Beschreibung:Ib, 120 cm, leichter DuftZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2007,2010,2011,2012;
Havelsonne (86-57-3)
Abstammung:Obrist x Frankenleuchte Beschreibung:Tepals, including throat, brilliant yellow (15C); inside with a very narrow, dark maroon, picotee margin in basal quarter. Spots sparse but conspicuous, fairly large, round to elliptic, dark purple, scattered over the basal quarter of each tepal; papillae absent; nectaries orange; filaments flesh-coloured to orange; pollen vivid orange (28B); style greenish yellow; stigma moderate red (180C). Fls 80mm wide, not scented; tepals 80 × 30mm, margins smooth, tips strongly recurved; with secondary buds. Lvs scattered, 110 × 16mm, moderate olive-green (137B). Stems 1.3m, 137B, pubescent, with bulbils, with up to 15 fls. July. Published in Europäische Liliengesellschaft Lilien-Info No.2: 24 (2001); picture p.25 The Havel river passes through Berlin, near which the hybridizer lived at the time he made this cross.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2004,2005,2006,2007,2010,2011,2012,2014;
Berlin Cinderella (87-20-1)
Abstammung:Rose Bowl Group seedling × Heavensong Beschreibung:Inside of tepals with broad, yellowish white (156D) patch in whole of basal half (except, sometimes, extreme margins), feathering into strong purplish red (64B) in upper half; throat 64B. Outside of tepals deep purplish pink (70C). Spots very few, moderately large, dark purple ellipses, mainly near throat; papillae absent; nectaries red-purple; pollen orange; stigma purple. Fls 120mm wide, not scented; tepals 72 × 40mm, margins slightly ruffled, tips straight. Lvs 85 × 20mm, scattered, deep yellowish green (141A). Stems 0.6-0.8m, green, with up to 10 fls in racemose infl. Late June. Illustrated in Steinbrück (2006): 109, but not described so not established there; German Lily Group sales' list 2010/2011 External images: Steinbrück (2006): 109 Dr Giffei was living in Berlin at the time he made this cross.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2005,2006,2010,2011,2012; Wistuba: 2016;
Havelpurpur (87-20-2)
Abstammung:Rose Bowl x Heavensong Beschreibung:Ia, 70 cmZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2011;
Annika (96-02-4)
Abstammung:Birgit x mixed pollenBeschreibung:Inside of tepals moderate purplish red (58A), with a large patch of greenish white (155C) in basal one-third, solid along and beside midveins but with long, feathered edges; throat red-purple. Outside of tepals greenish purple. Spots few, small, round, dark reddish purple, mostly scattered over white patch on each tepal; papillae absent; nectaries light greenish yellow (1C); filaments whitish, tinged rose pink towards anthers; pollen moderate reddish brown (166B); style reddish pink; stigma light greenish yellow (1C). Fls 200mm wide, not scented; tepals 125 × 40mm, margins smooth or very slightly ruffled, tips straight or very slightly recurved. Lvs scattered, 140 × 20mm, dark yellowish green (139A). Stems 1m, 139A, with up to 10 fls. July. Published in Europäische Liliengesellschaft sales list (2010) Named after the hybridizer's daughter.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2010,2011,2012,2013,2015,2016,2017; Wistuba: 2016,2017,2020; ELG: 2018,2019,2020,2021; Giffei
Lippestern (97-06-1)
Abstammung:L. × aurelianense Hesara × Frosty PP Beschreibung:Inside of tepals with broad, strong orange-yellow (22A) patch in basal one third, feathering into pale orange-yellow (19D) towards tips; midveins prominent and double, green at base, shading to 22A, then 19D at top; throat moderate olive-green (137A). Outside of tepals pale orange-yellow (19D), flushed moderate purplish pink (186D) beside midribs and increasingly towards base; midribs reddish purple. Spots and papillae absent; nectaries in moderate olive-green (137A) star; pollen moderate orange-yellow (165C); stigma moderate reddish brown (177A). Fls 160mm wide, (strongly) scented; tepals 105 × 40mm (inner), 105 × 25mm (outer), margins smooth, tips straight or (very) slightly recurved; secondary buds present. Lvs 110 × 25mm, scattered, dark yellowish green (136B). Stems 1.7m, moderate yellowish green (138A), with up to 15 fls in racemose infl. July. The Lippe is a river in Datteln, Germany; "stern" means "star" in German.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Monja (98-01-3)
Abstammung:Peachwood seedling derived from open-pollinated × dalhansonii Paisley GroupBeschreibung:Inside of tepals strong purplish pink (63C)in upper half; basal half predominantly white as defined by distribution of spots, each being enclosed by a broad margin of white, these margins coalescing with a flare of warm, yellowish orange along and beside midveins; throat yellowish white (155D). Outside of tepals light purplish pink (62C). Spots mostly small to medium-sized, roundish, dark purple (79B), mainly along margins and over flare in basal half of each tepal, sometimes coalescing to form larger spots over flare; papillae absent; nectaries brilliant yellow (13C); filaments whitish; pollen moderate reddish brown (166B); style pale green; stigma greyed orange. Buds soft, greyish pink. Fls 70mm wide, not scented; tepals 75 × 17mm, margins smooth, tips strongly recurved; pedicels very long and slender, pale green, tinged greyed mauve towards base of fl. Lvs whorled or scattered, 170 × 20mm. Stems 1.8m, moderate olive-green (137B), with up to 20 fls. July. Published in Europäische Liliengesellschaft Lilien-Info No.1, (2004) External images: Steinbrück (2006): 123 A female first name in Germany.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Andreas Graebe (98-04-5)
Abstammung:Havelsonne x un-named Tango hybridBeschreibung:Inside of tepals brilliant greenish yellow (5B); throat green. Outside of tepals yellow. Spots dark purple (79A), so dense in basal half of each tepal that background colour is almost obliterated, becoming less dense above, forming paler, more crimson ellipses and short dashes, and small, round spots scattered beyond, along and beside midveins and further along margins; papillae purple, overlaid silvery white; nectaries long, linear, yellow, creating a slender star formation at the base of the fl; filaments and style milk-white; pollen moderate orange (167B); stigma moderate olive-brown (199A). Fls 120mm wide, not scented; tepals 100 × 40mm, margins smooth, tips strongly recurved. Lvs scattered, 120 × 15mm, moderate olive-green (137B). Stems 1.2m, 137B with brownish spots, hairy, with bulbils, with up to 10 fls. July. Published in Europäische Liliengesellschaft sales list (2010)Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Havelflamme (98-05-3)
Abstammung:Cathedral Windows x Tango-MixBeschreibung:Ia, 100 cmZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2013,2014;
Karin (98-08-1)
Abstammung:Piroschka x Münsterland Beschreibung:Ic, 150 cm, triploidZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Joachim P. (98-10-3)
Abstammung:Berlin Cinderella x MixBeschreibung:Ib, 120 cmZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2010,2011,2012;
Anna-Eva (00-11-1)
Abstammung:Papillon (Feldmaier) × Provincial Beschreibung:Inside of tepals light greenish yellow (4C); throat green. Outside of outer tepals yellow; midribs green in bud, maturing to brown on opening. Spots deep purplish red (71A), in not-very-dense "Tango" style (of very variable size, from tiny circles to moderately large streaks, often coalescing), mainly in basal half of each tepal though running higher, thinly, along margins; papillae absent; nectaries green; pollen deep red (185A); stigma dark purple (79A). Fls 160mm wide, not scented; tepals 95 × 34mm, margins slightly ruffled, tips slightly recurved; pedicels long (120mm). Lvs 120 × 10mm, scattered, moderate olive-green (137B). Stems 1.15m, dark brown, hairy, with up to 12 fls. July. Published in Lilien-Info II (2009) Named after the registrant's mother. Shown at the 2009 ELG Lily Exhibition.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
The Erhard Family (Schmetterlingstango, 00-11-2)
Abstammung:Papillon (Feldmaier) × Provincial Beschreibung:Inside of tepals brilliant yellow (10A); throat green. Outside of tepals moderate orange-yellow (165C) beside midribs, shading to brilliant yellow (10A) towards margins. Spots dark red (187C), in not-very-dense "Tango" style (of very variable size, from tiny circles to moderately large streaks, often coalescing), mainly in basal two thirds of each tepal though running higher, thinly, along margins; papillae absent; nectaries green, flushed silver; pollen moderate reddish brown (177A); stigma greyish red (184A). Fls 140mm wide, not scented; tepals 100 × 20-30mm, margins smooth, tips slightly recurved; secondary buds present. Lvs 120 × 22mm, scattered, moderate yellow-green (137C). Stems 1.25m, dark purple (79A), with up to 15 fls in long raceme. July.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Norgarts Margin (00-12-2)
Abstammung:Weiße Ic, Martschinke x Tango Provinieta Beschreibung:Ib, 120 cmZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Lilalac (01-01-1)
Abstammung:(Theodor Haber x L.mart.caucasicum) x Hilda Haber Beschreibung:Div. II, 120 cmZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Pink Wave (01-10-2)
Abstammung:Havelsand × Havelpurpur Beschreibung:Tepals moderate purplish red (inside 184C, outside 186B); throat flushed green. Spots moderately numerous and moderately large, mostly oval, dark purple, well spread over basal half of each tepal; papillae present, pinkish white; nectaries frosted; pollen brilliant orange-yellow (23B); stigma moderate reddish brown (177A). Fls 200mm wide, not scented; tepals 105 × 46mm, margins smooth, tips straight; pedicels long (180mm). Lvs 150 × 9mm, scattered, dark green (136A). Stems 1.25m, 136A, with up to 6 fls in short raceme. July. Published in German Lily Group sales' list (2011) Named to reflect the undulating form of the open fls.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2011,2012,2013;
Sonnenauge (01-16-3)
Abstammung:Havelsonne x Brekulis Beschreibung:Ib, 130 cmZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2010;
Manitou (01-17-4)
Abstammung:Häuptling Winnetou x Brekulis Beschreibung:Ib, 110 cmZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Gelber Pfeil (01-20-1)
Abstammung:Striped Beauty x Slg.98-11-2Beschreibung:Ia, 140 cm, Duft, 1. Preis ELG Erlangen 2004Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Tango Max (01-23-1)
Abstammung:(Häuptling Winnetou × Sonnentiger ) x unnamed orange Tango hybridBeschreibung:Inside of tepals and throat vivid yellow (12A); outside of tepals greenish yellow. Spots numerous: large, elliptic ones dark red (187A), scattered densely and evenly over basal third of each tepal; small, round spots paler, more crimson, densely interspersed between larger spots and scattered more sparsely beyond over basal half of each tepal, particularly along margins and midveins; papillae and nectaries brilliant greenish yellow (1B); filaments golden yellow, tinged green towards top; pollen brownish orange (171B); style yellowish green; stigma dark red (187A). Buds greenish yellow. Fls 150mm wide, not scented; tepals 80 × 35mm, margins smooth, tips slightly recurved to recurved; pedicels 160mm, green. Lvs scattered, 140 × 23mm, moderate olive-green (147A). Stems 1.3m, 147A, with up to 12 fls in a spreading raceme. July. Published in Europäische Liliengesellschaft sales list (2010)Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2010,2011,2012,2014,2015;
Tango Moritz (01-23-5)
Abstammung:(Häuptling Winnetou × Sonnentiger ) x unnamed orange Tango hybridBeschreibung:Inside of tepals vivid yellowish orange (30C); margins and tips more orange; throat dark red (187A). Outside of tepals greenish orange. Spots numerous, coalescing to form large, dark red (187A) ellipses and dashes in an arc in basal quarter of each tepal, and small, round, occasionally elliptic, paler, more crimson, spots, densely scattered over basal half of each tepal, extending further along margins; nectaries creamy; filaments dark red; pollen vivid reddish orange (33A); style red; stigma dark red (187A). Buds greenish, tinged orange. Fls 150mm wide, not scented; tepals 75 × 35mm, margins smooth, tips straight or very slightly recurved; pedicels 160mm, green with slight purplish mottling; with occasional secondary buds. Lvs scattered, 160 × 20mm, moderate olive-green (137A). Stems 1.5m, 137A, with up to 20 fls in a spreading raceme. July. Published in Europäische Liliengesellschaft sales list (2010)Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2010,2011,2015,2016; Wistuba: 2016;
Janis (01-23-2)
Abstammung:Indianersonne x Orange Kandelaber-TangoBeschreibung:Inside of tepals moderate red (181A), flushed brilliant yellow (20A) in an arc mid-tepal at the top of and above the spotting; throat dark red (187B). Outside of tepals moderate red; tips green. Spots numerous, variable in shape, most coalescing to form short dashes, dark red (187B), densely and evenly distributed over up to one-half of basal portion of each tepal; papillae rich reddish pink tipped rosy white, either side of nectaries; nectaries conspicuous, long, linear, silvered pale mauve-pink; filaments red; pollen moderate reddish orange (171A); style red; stigma dark purple. Fls 150mm wide, not scented; tepals 85 × 40mm, margins smooth, tips straight or (very) slightly recurved; pedicels 150mm long, dull olive green; with secondary buds. Lvs scattered, 110 × 20mm, dark yellowish green (139A). Stems 1.4m, 139A, with up to 20 fls in a long raceme. July. Published in Europäische Liliengesellschaft Lilien-Info No.2 (2009) Named after the Latvian breeder Janis Vasarietis.Bezug:Salzborn: 2010,2011,2012,2014,2015; Wistuba: 2014;
Tango Andris (01-23-4)
Abstammung:(Häuptling Winnetou × Sonnentiger ) unnamed orange Tango hybridBeschreibung:Inside of tepals strong red (46A); throat dark purple (79A). Outside of tepals red. Spots very numerous, mostly coalescing to form a dense mottled patch of dark purple (79A) over basal quarter of each tepal; papillae dark purple tipped pinkish red; nectaries long, linear, silvered orange-red; filaments red; connectives white; anthers dark purple; pollen strong reddish orange (169A); style and stigma moderate red (185B). Buds shaded orange-red. Fls 140mm wide, not scented; tepals 80 × 35mm, margins smooth, tips straight, becoming (very) slightly recurved; pedicels 140mm, slender, pale. Lvs scattered, 140 × 20mm, moderate olive-green (137B). Stems 1.4m, 137B, mottled purplish brown, with up to 15 fls in a spreading raceme. Late July. Published in Europäische Liliengesellschaft sales list (2010) Named after the Latvian hyridizer Andris Krumins.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2010,2011,2012,2015,2016;
Hohes Licht (01-G1-1)
Abstammung:Un-named Ic seedling (with davidii parentage) × un-named Ic seedling (with davidii parentage)Beschreibung:Inside of tepals, including throat, vivid reddish orange (34B). Outside of tepals strong yellowish pink (31C). Spots few, very small and feint, purple, in basal one third of each tepal; papillae absent; nectaries green, frosted silver; pollen vivid reddish orange (30A); stigma dark red (59A). Fls 100mm wide, not scented; tepals 75 × 38mm, margins smooth, tips strongly recurved. Lvs 110 × 12mm, scattered, moderate olive-green (137A). Stems 1.6-1.8m, dark red (187A), with up to 15 fls in racemose infl. Early July. The epithet, meaning "high light" in German, describes the cultivar's bright flowers on a high stem.Züchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug:Salzborn: 2011,2012;
Peters Freude (03-G 212-1)
Abstammung:Geiser: Tetra White Henryi x Pizzazz 110Beschreibung:Div. VI, 170 cm, tetraploidZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Kerstin (04-02-1)
Abstammung:Unregistered seedling Indianersonne × Giraffe Beschreibung:Inside of tepals vivid red (45A); throat vivid reddish orange (34A). Outside of tepals strong red (46A). Spots numerous, moderately small ellipses or circles, dark greyish reddish brown (200A), widely spread and conspicuous across basal half of each tepal; papillae few, small, pinkish red, frosted; nectaries dark greyish reddish brown (200A); filaments vivid red (45A); pollen strong orange (169B); stigma moderate red (185B). Fls 130 mm wide, not scented; tepals 100 × 23[outer]-33[inner] mm, margins slightly ruffled, tips slightly to strongly recurved; secondary and tertiary buds present. Lvs 120 × 30 mm, scattered, moderate olive-green (137B). Stems 1 m, green heavily spotted dark brown, with up to 25 fls. June-July. Named after the registrant’s daughterZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug: ELG: 2019;
Tempelturm (07-10-2)
Abstammung:Tempeltanz × Tango Max Beschreibung:Tepals brilliant yellow, inside (including throat) 7B, outside 10A. Spots numerous, in two forms – as tiny dark red (187B) circles and short streaks widely spread across much of basal two-thirds of each tepal (except for upper, mid blade) and often coalescing Tango-style into reasonably dense blotches near base, but also as large and darker ellipses in brushmark-like pattern in basal half; papillae few, pale green; nectaries closed, with ridges light yellow (160B), frosted; filaments pale yellow; pollen strong orange (169C); stigma dark red (187B). Fls 110 mm wide, not scented; tepals 80 × 40 mm, margins slightly ruffled, tips recurved to strongly recurved; secondary buds present. Lvs 140 × 20 mm, scattered, moderate olive-green (137A). Stems 1.7 m, dark green, with up to 20 fls in open, pyramidal infl. July. Published in European Lily Society [ELG]’s Lilien-Info (2012) Epithet means "temple tower" in GermanZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Zitronenfalter (07-G621-4)
Abstammung:(Bel Air [Div. VI, of Geiser] [see below] × ML’s Indian Summer [VIII OT]) × Thomas’s Giant Beschreibung:Inside of tepals vivid yellow (9B); throat moderate yellow-green (146C). Outside of tepals brilliant yellow (10A); midribs green. Spots and papillae absent; nectaries moderate yellow-green (146C); filaments greenish white; pollen moderate reddish brown (177A); stigma moderate olive-green (137B). Fls 240 mm wide, slightly scented; tepals 140 × 30[outer]-50[inner] mm, margins smooth to slightly ruffled, tips slightly recurved, making broadly bowl-shaped fls. Lvs 170 × 20 mm, scattered, moderate olive-green (137A). Stems 1.4 m, green densely mottled purple, with up to 8 fls. July. Epithet is German for the brimstone butterfly, Gonepteryx rhamniZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Leuchtturm Datteln (07-13-5)
Abstammung:Hohes Licht x Tango-MixBeschreibung:Div. Ib, bis 200 cmZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Dufttango (08-14-4)
Abstammung:Gelber Pfeil x Janis Beschreibung:Div. Ia, 150 cm, leichter DuftZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. Giffei
Inga (08-16-4)
Abstammung:Krivu Krivs × Havelgold Beschreibung:Inside of tepals predominantly vivid yellow (12A), shading to moderate reddish orange (171A) towards upper margins and tips and in throat. Outside of tepals 171A. Spots few, tiny, strong brown (172A), widely spread in throat on inner tepals only; papillae absent; nectaries closed, ridges mainly green and slightly frosted, but tinged 171A near distal opening; filaments 12A at base, shading to 171A above; pollen strong orange (25A); stigma light yellow (10B). Fls 140 mm wide, not scented; tepals 90 × 35 mm, margins smooth, tips straight; pedicels long and fairly stout. Lvs 125 × 12 mm, scattered, moderate olive-green (137A). Stems 1.2 m, 137A, with up to 10 fls. June-July. Named after the registrant’s wifeZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug: ELG: 2019;
Erich Saling (08-T05-3)
Abstammung:Lippestern × Thomas's Giant Beschreibung:Inside of tepals predominantly yellowish grey (156B), with prominent, triangular, vivid yellow (16A) flare from throat to midway up each tepal. Outside of outer tepals predominantly moderate olive-brown (199A) [sometimes tinged red-purple], white towards margins; outside of inner tepals predominantly white; midribs green. Spots absent; papillae small, vivid orange (28B); nectaries dark red (187A) in centre, edged dark green, open; filaments creamy; pollen moderate brown (200C); stigma pale purple. Fls 140 mm wide, not scented; tepals 110 × 35 mm, margins smooth to slightly ruffled, tips slightly to strongly recurved; some secondary buds present. Lvs 140 × 15 mm, scattered, dark yellowish green (139A). Stems 1.4 m, green with brown spots, with up to 12 fls in open racemes. July. Named in honour of the noted German obstetrician (and Dr Giffei’s teacher) on his 90th birthdayZüchter:Dr. Jörg M. GiffeiBezug: ELG: 2020;