Norgart Martschinke († 2018)
Abstammung:L. martagon Album Superbum x L. hansoniiBeschreibung:Cream coloured, unspotted. Stems up to 1.7m. Late June.Bezug:Salzborn: 1994,1996,2002,2005,2008,2009,2011; Wistuba: 2017;
Abstammung:Cleopatra x King Pete Beschreibung:Inside strong to light orange-yellow (22A/B), tips 22B, throat light yellow-green (145B), outside strong orange (26B); small dark red spots (187) in centre of flower; nectaries light orange-yellow (22B); pollen strong orange (169); filaments white at base, reddish above. Fls 110mm wide; petals 90 x 31mm, not ruffled, slightly reflexed. Lvs alternate, 65 x 13mm, mid green, ciliate. Stems 1.2m, dark green, with c10 fls. Early-late August.Bezug:Salzborn: 1994,1996;
Abstammung:UnknownBeschreibung:Fls like Bellmaid , yellow. Stems up to 1.5m. July.Bezug:Salzborn: 1997;
Abstammung:(Connecticut King x Chios ) x Ivory Supreme Beschreibung:Inside light orange-yellow (22C), margins strong orange (24A), throat brilliant orange-yellow (21B), outside vivid to light yellow (17C-D) and strong yellow-green (144C); medium-sized, dark red (183B) spots over lower half of each petal; nectaries strong yellow-green (144C); pollen strong reddish orange (169A). Petals 80 x 40mm, not ruffled, slightly recurved. Lvs alternate, 115 x 17mm, mid green. Stems 1.4m, dark green, with up to 36 fls (often 3 fls on one inflorescence branch). Early July-early August.
Creme Rispe
Abstammung:L. davidii Improved x Hallmark GroupBeschreibung:Yellow-Orange 19C, throat 19C and Orange 24B, tips 19C, margins Red 53A, outside Yellow-Green 154A; slightly spotted 53A; nectary pale; pollen Orange-Red 34A. Stems 1.8m.
Cream Beam
Abstammung:L. dalhansonii Bornholm x (L. dalhansonii Terrace City Group hybrid x tsingtauense [with dark stem])Beschreibung:Inside of tepals brilliant yellow (20A), shading to pale yellow (20D) beside midveins in distal half; midveins deep green in basal half, shading to pale yellow (20D) and brilliant yellow (20A) at top; throat 20A. Outside of tepals pale yellow (11D); midribs yellowish green. Spots and papillae absent; nectaries green; pollen vivid orange (28B); stigma light orange (28C). Buds elliptical, pale yellow flushed green. Fls 50 mm wide, not scented; tepals 36 x 11 mm, margins smooth, tips slightly recurved to recurved. Lvs 120 x 35 mm, whorled. Stems 1.1 m, green, with up to 18 fls. Early to mid-season (June). Diploid (though apparently a tetraploid form also exists).Bezug: Mathys: 2015;
Cream Beam 4n
Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug:Salzborn: 2011,2012,2014,2015; Kühne
Abstammung:Citronella g. x Prince Charming Beschreibung:Inside brighter than vivid reddish orange (30A), throat vivid reddish orange (30B), outside strong to moderate orange (170A/C); scattered small dark spots on lower half of each petal; nectaries 30A. Petals 60 x 30mm, not ruffled, not recurved. Lvs alternate, 80 x 7mm, dark green. Stems 1.4m, almost black, with c18 fls, including many secondary buds. Early July-early August.
Foggy Morning
Abstammung:Lake Tulare x Oliver Wyatt Beschreibung:Inside light yellow (12C) with brilliant orange-yellow (23B) along middle of each petal, throat strong yellow-green (144B); outside brilliant yellow (12B) to light yellowish pink (29C); fine spots of moderate purplish red (59C) in centre of flower; nectaries strong yellow-green (144B); pollen dark reddish orange (175B); stigma moderate purplish red (59C) mixed with strong yellow-green (144C). Fls 80mm wide; petals 75 x 20mm, not ruffled, strongly reflexed. Lvs whorled, 140 x 18mm, mid green. Stems 1.6m, green, with c9 fls. Late June. (Standard: colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0022858); name derives from the fls looking like Oliver Wyatt seen through a fog.)Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug:Salzborn: 2007,2014; ELG: 2019;
Abstammung:((Polednice x (Wattle Bird x Heloma )) x (Mirage x Windahloo ))Beschreibung:Inside rich yellow with a paler throat, a small mahogany brushmark and no spots; outside paler, ribs greenish and brownish; pollen and stigma brown; nectaries green. Fls 115mm wide; petals 75 x 37mm, slightly recurved; pedicels 45mm long, deep brown. Lvs alternate, 105 x 13mm, dull pale green. Stems 0.65m, thick, green, with light spotting. Late June.Bezug:Salzborn: 2003;
Beschreibung:1b weiss mit grünem Hauch, Höhe 110 cm, Blütezeit E 7Züchter:Norgart Martschinke
Abstammung:Unnamed seedling x Ivory Supreme Beschreibung:Moderate red (179A) inside, the throat vivid reddish orange (34A) with whitish papillae; outside vivid yellowish pink (30C) with white hairs; faintly spotted deep red on lower half of each petal; nectaries 34A, hairy; pollen dark reddish orange (172B). Petals 75 x 30mm, not ruffled, slightly recurved. Lvs alternate, 90 x 8mm, mid green. Stems 1.2m, pale green, with c18 fls in a pyramidal inflorescence. July.
Habibi (Ma-72 93 1)
Abstammung:(L. martagon hirsutum x Nightingale ) x (L. martagon album superbum x L. parvum )Beschreibung:siehe Artikel "Mein Weg zu rosa gepunkteten weißen Martagon" von Norgart Martschinke Lilien-Info 2008-2Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug: nicht verfügbar
Abstammung:L. martagon hybridBeschreibung:Fls white, suffused green, unspotted. Stems 1.2m. Late June.
Karmin Kandelaber
Abstammung:Unnamed seedling x ((Citronella g. x L. amabile var. luteum) x Sterling Star )Beschreibung:Deep red (185A) inside and out, margins at tips deep pink (185D), throat 185D; blackish dark red (187A) spots in centre of flower; nectaries strong yellow-green (145A). Fls 110mm wide; petals 55 x 35mm, not ruffled, not recurved. Lvs alternate, 120 x 8mm, mid green. Stems 1.2m, green, with c15 fls in superposed whorls. Early July-early August.Bezug:Salzborn: 2012;
Kirschroter Tänzer
Abstammung:Lake Tulare x an American hybrid with flat flsBeschreibung:Inside vivid red (46B); throat light orange-yellow (16C) at edges of petals, vivid orange-yellow (23A) in the centre; outside mostly moderate to greyish red (182A-B), light yellow (20B) near the base; dark red (59A) spots on the yellow centre of the flowers; nectaries moderate olive green (146A); pollen strong brown (172A); stigma dark red (59A). Fls 90-110mm wide; petals 85 x 25mm, margins not or very slightly waved, strongly recurved. Lvs whorled, 110 x 25mm, mid green. Stems 1.5m, green, with c10 fls. Mid June - mid July. (First published in Europ„ische Liliengesellschaft bulb list, 1998. Standard: colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0022859); name recalls the Polish dance Kiakowiƒk in which the dancers go up and down in the same place.)Bezug:Salzborn: 1998,2002,2012,2014;
Kloster Maulbronn
Abstammung:Späte Flamme x Connecticut Yankee Beschreibung:Inside vivid reddish orange (30A), throat light yellow-green (145B) with white papillae; outside moderate yellow-green (146B); a few small dark spots on the basal 1/3 of each petal; pollen moderate reddish orange (171A). Petals 65 x 35mm, not ruffled, not recurved. Lvs alternate, 105 x 15mm, mid green. Stems 0.9m, pale green, with c15 fls. July.
Abstammung:Abraxas x seedling of Radiant Pink Beschreibung:Brilliant orange (25C), tips strong orange (25B), throat strong orange (25A); outside marked with strong yellow-green (145A); numerous, small, deep purplish red (59B) spots over lower half of each petal; nectaries 25C; pollen vivid reddish orange (34A). Fls 85mm wide; petals 70 x 27mm, not ruffled, strongly reflexed. Lvs alternate, 110 x 9mm, mid green. Stems 1.0m, dark green, with c18 fls. July.Bezug:Salzborn: 1994,1996;
Laurins Sommerschloss
Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug:Salzborn: 2014;
Limonen Rispe
Abstammung:Creme Rispe x King Pete Beschreibung:Inside brilliant to light greenish yellow (5B-C), throat vivid yellow-green (154A) (with papillae); outside brilliant greenish yellow (4A) with stripes of vivid yellow-green (154A) and moderate orange-yellow (165C); dark red (187A) spots, especially on the inner petals; stigma brilliant yellow-green (154C); pollen yellow. Fls 90mm wide; petals 65 x 32mm, reflexed. Lvs alternate, 90 x 7mm. Stems 1.3m, green, with brown spots and c.10 fls. Early July. This entry replaces that published in the Fifteenth Supplement (1997).Bezug:Salzborn: 1999,2004,2007,2008;
Ma-72 04 2
Abstammung:(L. martagon hirsutum x Nightingale ) x (L. martagon album superbum x L. parvum )Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug: nicht verfügbar
Ma-72 04 5b
Abstammung:(L. martagon hirsutum x Nightingale ) x (L. martagon album superbum x L. parvum )Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug: nicht verfügbar
Ma-73 04 1
Abstammung:(L. martagon hirsutum x Nightingale ) x (L. martagon album superbum x L. parvum )Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug: nicht verfügbar
Ma-73 04 10
Abstammung:(L. martagon hirsutum x Nightingale ) x (L. martagon album superbum x L. parvum )Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug: nicht verfügbar
Ma-73 04 6b
Abstammung:(L. martagon hirsutum x Nightingale ) x (L. martagon album superbum x L. parvum )Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug: nicht verfügbar
Ma-73 04 8c
Abstammung:(L. martagon hirsutum x Nightingale ) x (L. martagon album superbum x L. parvum )Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug: nicht verfügbar
Ma-73 04 9
Abstammung:(L. martagon hirsutum x Nightingale ) x (L. martagon album superbum x L. parvum )Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug: nicht verfügbar
Mary's Sister
Abstammung:((Kirschrot x Johannisblut Group) x Connecticut Red )Beschreibung:Dark red. High resistance to Botrytis. Stems 1.1m. Early July.
Abstammung:Creme Rispe x King Pete Beschreibung:Inside light orange-yellow (22B), margins strong orange-yellow (22A), outside with brilliant yellow-green (154B) stripes on a light orange-yellow (22D) ground; small dark spots over 2/3 of each petal; nectaries light greenish yellow (5C); pollen strong orange (169B). Petals 70 x 35mm, not ruffled, slightly recurved. Lvs alternate, 80 x 12mm, mid green. Stems 1.2m, dark green, with c15 fls. July.
Beschreibung:weiße Blüte, 1. Preis in Datteln 2009Züchter:Norgart Martschinke
Mongol King
Abstammung:(Selected form of L.davidii var. willmottiae x L.davidii var. unicolor) x Honey Queen Beschreibung:Inside light yellowish pink (27B). Stems 1 .3m, with up to 45 fls. (including up to 12 secondaries, which are held obliquely to the primary buds). Early July.Bezug:Salzborn: 1996;
Mongol Queen
Abstammung:(Selected form of L.davidii var. willmottiae x L.davidii var. unicolor) x Honey Queen Beschreibung:Light yellowish pink (27B) inside. Stems 1.3m, the flowers in a broader head than Mongol King , up to 40/stem (including secondaries which have their pedicels close to the main axis). Early July.
Abstammung:Unnamed seedling x ((Citronella g. x L. amabile var. luteum) x Sterling Star )Beschreibung:Inside pale yellow (11D), flushed strong purplish red (63A), with a yellowish white (158D) throat, outside 11D and brownish orange (172C); numerous, small, strong purplish red (63A) spots on lower half of each petal; nectaries brilliant yellow-green (142B). Fls 100mm wide; petals 70 x 30mm, not ruffled, not recurved. Lvs alternate, 95 x 7mm, dark green. Stems 0.8m, almost black, with c10 fls. Early-late July.
NM 11 005 1
Abstammung:Bornholm x (San Gabriel hybride x L. martagon cattaniae )Beschreibung:rosa, SekundärblütenZüchter:Norgart Martschinke
NM 99 010 1
Beschreibung:auffällig große Punkte, die auf den Blüten unterschiedlich verteilt sindZüchter:Norgart Martschinke
Norgart Martschinke
Abstammung:Habibi x Papa Kiel Beschreibung:sehr wüchsiger albiflorum Typ, 120 cm, sehr breites Laub. Registrierung unter diesem Namen ist geplant.Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug: ELG: 2019,2021; Kühne
Norgarts Gold
Abstammung:((L.martagon album x Robin ) x Bornholm ) x L. hansonii Beschreibung:hellgelb nach weiß auslaufend, rote Punkte, dunkler Stängel, 120 cmZüchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug: ELG: 2021; Kühne
Norgarts Pride
Beschreibung:hellgelb, weinrot überhaucht, dunkle Punkte, 100 cmZüchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug: ELG: 2021; Kühne
Abstammung:UnknownBeschreibung:Pale yellow-green (4D) inside with a brilliant to light greenish yellow throat, outside moderate to light yellow (160A-B), very dark purple at base; dark red (187A) spots on middle of each petal; nectaries vivid yellow-green (154A); pollen moderate orange (167A); stigma moderate red (185B). Fls 80mm wide; petals 70 x 27mm, margins slightly ruffled, strongly recurved. Lvs alternate, 90 x 8mm, dark green. Stems 1.1m, hairy dark green, with c11 fls. Mid July-mid August.
Norgart's Darling
Abstammung:Snow Lark x Chios Beschreibung:Light yellowish pink (27A) blending to pale yellowish pink (27D), throat strong yellow-green (143B); outside a mixture of deep red (185A), strong yellow-green (144A) and light yellow (162C), striped light yellowish pink (27A); numerous, small, dark red (187A) spots on lower half of each petal; nectaries light orange-yellow (22B); pollen strong reddish orange (169A). Petals 70 x 30mm, not ruffled, not reflexed. Lvs alternate, 90 x 10mm, mid green. Stems 0.9m, dark green, with c9 fls. July.
Orange Giant
Abstammung:UnknownBeschreibung:Inside strong orange (169C) with tips strong orange (169D), outside 169C; greyish red (178A) spots over lower 2/3 of each petal; nectaries moderate orange (168C); pollen dark reddish orange (175B). Fls 120mm wide; petals 90 x 27mm, not ruffled, slightly recurved. Lvs alternate, 180 x 20mm, mid green. Stems 1.7m, dark green, with 16 fls and many stem bulbils. Mid-late July.Bezug:Salzborn: 1999,2007,2011; ELG: 2020;
Orange Sombrero
Abstammung:Lake Tulare x an American hybrid with flat flsBeschreibung:Inside vivid reddish orange (32A & 42A), throat light orange-yellow (22B) and strong orange (25B); outside light yellow (20B); dark red (59A) spots mostly on yellow centre of flower; nectaries deep yellowish green (141B); pollen strong orange (169C); stigma light yellowish pink (27B), edged dark red (59A). Fls 70-90mm wide; petals 80 x 20mm, not ruffled, strongly recurved. Lvs whorled, 90 x 18mm, mid green. Stems 1.5m, green, with c12 fls. Mid June. (First published in Ewald bulb list, 1999. Standard: colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0022849). Name derived from the association of the flower shape with the Spanish sun hat called the sombrero.)
Pink Alabaster
Abstammung:Unnamed seedling x Honey Queen Beschreibung:Inside brilliant yellow (20A), tips pale yellow (20C), throat deep pink (52B), outside deep pink (52C) (showing through to inside); few dark spots in centre of flower; nectaries vivid red (52A); pollen vivid reddish orange (34A). Petals 65 x 32mm, not ruffled, not reflexed. Lvs alternate, 110 x 10mm, mid green. Stems 1.5m, pale green, with c8 fls. July.Bezug:Salzborn: 1994,1997,1999,2001;
Pink Big Ben
Abstammung:L. davidii var. willmottiae x Saskat-hybridBeschreibung:Red 54A-b, throat Yellow-Green 154C, outside 54A with stripes of Yellow-Green 144A; spotted Greyed-Purple 187B; margins 185A; nectary 187B; pollen Greyed-Orange 167A. Lvs dark green. Stems 1.5m.
Random Bliss
Abstammung:Martagon var. hirsutum X Nightingale Beschreibung:Inside very light purple (75C) in basal two-thirds of each petal, with a deep purplish red (59B) blotch of varying distribution in the top third, throat strong purple (77B); outside strong purple (77B), midribs deep reddish purple (77A); spots dark maroon with a paler halo on central part of each petal; nectaries deep reddish purple (77A); pollen vivid orange-yellow (23A); stigma deep reddish purple (77A). Fls 52 mm wide; petals 40 x 16 mm, margins smooth, tips strongly recurved. Lvs whorled, 40 x 16 mm. Stems 1.2 m, dark green, with 18-22 fls. Late June to early July. (A rare Div. II X Div. IV hybrid. Etymology: the configuration of the apical blotch is random, varying from flower to flower. Nomenclatural standard: hard copy of a scanned colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0034905).)
Abstammung:Snow Lark x Chios Beschreibung:Inside strong to light orange-yellow (24B-C), throat strong yellow-green (144B), outside strong greenish yellow (151A) with moderate reddish brown/greyish reddish orange (174A/B) spots; inside heavily spotted dark red on lower half of each petal; pollen strong orange (25A). Fls 120mm wide; petals 80 x 30mm, not ruffled, slightly recurved. Lvs alternate, 130 x 13mm, dark green. Stems 1.4m, dark green, with c27 fls. July.
Rosy Flirt
Abstammung:Juliana x 'BeatriceBeschreibung:Strong purplish red (63A), with darker red spots on lower 1/3-1/2 of each petal; nectaries vivid purplish red (57D); pollen vivid reddish orange (32A). Fls 70mm wide, on long pedicels, many open together; petals 65 x 28mm, not ruffled, slightly recurved. Lvs alternate, 80 x 5mm, mid green. Stems 0.65m, dark green, with c19 fls. July.
Roter Dreispitz
Abstammung:Lake Tulare x an American hybrid with flat flsBeschreibung:Inside strong to vivid red (46A-B), throat brilliant orange-yellow (23B); outside strong orange-yellow to moderate yellow (163B-C); spots deep purplish red (59B); nectaries strong yellow-green (143B); pollen dark orange-red; stigma dark red (59A). Fls 80mm wide; petals 85 x 23mm, edges slightly ruffled, strongly recurved, outer petals more strongly recurved, giving the flower a triangular symmetry. Lvs whorled, 120 x 15mm, mid green. Stems 1.2m, green, with c8 fls. Late June. (Published in Europ„ische Liliengesellschaft bulb list 1998. Named in allusion to Baroque 3-cornered hats. Standard: colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0022851).)Bezug:Salzborn: 1998;
Roter Spion
Abstammung:Lake Tulare x an American hybrid with flat flsBeschreibung:Inside strong to vivid red (46A-B), throat brilliant orange-yellow (23B); outside moderate yellow (163C) to moderate red (179B); dark red (59A) spots mostly on yellow areas inside and fine spotting on yellow outside; nectaries strong yellow-green (143B); pollen dark reddish orange (172B); stigma dark red (183A). Fls 100mm wide; petals 70 x 23mm, not ruffled, slightly recurved. Lvs whorled, 60 x 17mm, mid green. Stems 1.6m, green, with c9 fls. Late June. (First published in Europ„ische Liliengesellschaft bulb list, 1998. Standard: colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0022852).)Bezug:Salzborn: 1998; ELG: 2021;
Roter Traum
Abstammung:Lake Tulare x an American hybrid with flat flsBeschreibung:Fls vivid red (45A) with a vivid yellow (13A) throat; outside of outer petals vivid yellow (14A) overlaid dark reddish orange (178B), inner petals vivid yellow (14A) shading to moderate red (179B) at tips; numerous, dark red (59A) spots on lower fi of each petal; nectaries moderate olive green (146A); pollen dark reddish orange (172B); stigma dark red (59A); pleasantly scented. Fls 95mm wide; petals 80 x 22mm, not ruffled, strongly recurved (outers more than inners). Lvs whorled, 110 x 25mm, mid green. Stems 1.2m, mid green, with c13 fls. Mid June. (First published in Europ„ische Liliengesellschaft bulb list, 1998. Standard: colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0022856).)Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug:Salzborn: 1998,2001; ELG: 2021;
Beschreibung:1b-c, bis 20 Blüten, Höhe 110 cm, Blütezeit E 6Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug:Salzborn: 2012;
Beschreibung:weiße Blüte mit Zweitblüten, 1b-c, Höhe 130 cm, 1. Preis EislebenZüchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug:Salzborn: 2014,2017; ELG: 2020;
Beschreibung:1 b wenig zurückgerollte weiße Blüten mit schwacher Zeichnung im Zentrum, 1. Preis Eisleben 2012Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug:Salzborn: 2012; Strasser: 2010,2015,2019;
Seiser Glöckel
Abstammung:L. cernuum hybridBeschreibung:Fls white; resembling Nordmilch but with a narrower inflorescence. Stems 0.9m.Bezug:Salzborn: 1994;
Abstammung:Pale seedling ex Weinreich x Honey Creme Beschreibung:Inside pale yellow (19C) throughout, outside with greyish yellow-green (1 94B) stripes; dark reddish orange (178B) spots over lower half of each petal (resembling the pattern of a song thrush/singdrossel); stigma greyish brown (1 66A); pollen greyish brown (166A). Fls l30mm wide; petals 75 x 28mm, not ruffled, very slightly reflexed. Lvs alternate, 75 x l3mm, mid green. Stems 1-2m, green, marked red- brown towards the base, with c.10 fls. Late June.
Thomas' Giant
Beschreibung:weiss, schwarze Nektarien, bis 33 Blüten, 180 cm, Mitte JuliZüchter:Norgart Martschinke
Abstammung:UnknownBeschreibung:Ivory to pastel brownish, with small spots in centre of flower; pollen red. Fls turk's-cap shape, 70mm wide. Stems 1.0m. Mid July.
Beschreibung:1c, bis 25 zierliche Blüten, Höhe 100 cm, 3. Preis Eisleben 2012Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug:Salzborn: 2012,2014;
Silver Cup
Beschreibung:spätblühend, 1a, bis 20 Blüten, leichte Punkte, H. 120 cm, Blütezeit E 7Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug:Salzborn: 2012;
Abstammung:Pale seedling ex Weinreich x Honey Creme Beschreibung:Inside pale yellow (19C) throughout, outside with greyish yellow-green (1 94B) stripes; dark reddish orange (178B) spots over lower half of each petal (resembling the pattern of a song thrush/singdrossel); stigma greyish brown (1 66A); pollen greyish brown (166A). Fls l30mm wide; petals 75 x 28mm, not ruffled, very slightly reflexed. Lvs alternate, 75 x l3mm, mid green. Stems 1-2m, green, marked red- brown towards the base, with c.10 fls. Late June.
Sommers Darling
Abstammung:((Selected form of L.davidii var. willmottiae x L.davidii var. unicolor) x (selected form of L.davidii var. willmottiae x Pink Triangle ))Beschreibung:Inside light to pale yellow (19B-C), throat light orange-yellow (19A), outside with greenish stripes; fine brown spots over lower half of each petal; nectaries greenish; stigma moderate yellow (162A); pollen moderate reddish orange (35A). Fls 150mm wide; petals 83 x 35mm, not ruffled, tips recurved. Lvs alternate, 80 x 8mm, mid green. Stems 1 .2m, green, with c.15 fls on slightly curved pedicels. Early July.Bezug:Salzborn: 1996,2001;
Abstammung:((Creme Rispe x Sterling Star ) x unnamed I(a) cream seedling ex Petruske)Beschreibung:Inside very pale yellowish pink (27D), with moderate yellow (162A) at the base of the outer petals; outside striped moderate orange-yellow (165C); small dark-red (187A) spots over basal half of each petal; stigma dark red (187A); pollen dark reddish orange (175B). Fls l20mm wide; petals 60 x 23mm, not ruffled, very slightly recurved. Lvs alternate, 120 x 6mm, mid green. Stems 1.2m, green, with c.10 fls. Late June.Bezug:Salzborn: 1996,2001;
Abstammung:UnknownBeschreibung:Pastel orange, with vivid orange tips and a few spots. Stems 1.3m. Late July.
Yellow Butterfly
Abstammung:Bellmaid Hybrid x an American hybrid with flat flsBeschreibung:Inside vivid orange-yellow (21A) throughout, outside vivid orange-yellow (21A) to strong orange (26A); very fine, dark red (59A) spots in the centre of the flowers; nectaries strong yellow-green (144B); pollen dark reddish orange (175B); stigma dark red (59A). Fls 100mm wide; petals 85 x 23mm, not ruffled, slightly recurved. Lvs whorled, 105 x 18mm, mid green. Stems 1.2m, green, with c11 fls. Early July. (First published in Europ„ische Liliengesellschaft bulb list, 1997. Standard: colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0022855). Name alludes to the form of the flowers.)Züchter:Norgart MartschinkeBezug:Salzborn: 1996,1997;
Abstammung:(Troika x Prince Charming (de Graaff))Beschreibung:Inside greyish red/dark reddish orange (178A/B) shading to strong orange (169C) at tips and to strong orange (169B) in the throat; out-side greyish red (178A), with moderate yellow-green (146C) midribs; fine, dark red (187A) spots near centre of fls; nectaries moderate yellow-green (146C); pollen brownish orange (172C); stigma dark red (187C). Fls 90mm wide; petals 60 x 27mm, margins not ruffled, tips slightly recurved at first, later more strongly recurved. Lvs alternate, 75 x 10mm, dark green. Stems 0.6m, dark green, with c8 fls. Early-mid July. (Standard: colour print provided by registrant (WSY 0022853).)Bezug:Salzborn: 2007,2008,2011,2016;